Art Work for props etc Job Description


Mission Statement

Camps that provide a safe week of happy memories, building self worth and confidence, learning life skills, and creating hope for the future, for children who have experienced abuse.

Role and responsibilities

Prior to camp:

  1. Receive request / instructions for task.
  2. Liaise with person(s) responsible for programme. 
  3. Delegate where appropriate i.e screen writer.
  4. Design item & implement construction.
  5. Source materials – donated is preferable.
  6. Instruct any volunteers / assistants.
  7. Ensure others understand and do what is required. 
  8. Supervise / monitor progress.
  9. Obtain authorization for any costs.
  10. Arrange payment if required.
  11. Collect props / artwork & deliver to appropriate person / place or arrange this.

At Camp:

  1. Ensure items are in correct location.
  2. Assist with set-up / installation / use. Deal with any issues if problems arise.